is everywhere in all
that sings,
inside colors, inside
it can be in mountains
or plains,
in gardens, on streets
and squares,
in schools or offices,
stores and antechambers.
Joy in rhythm exists,
in movement, when
the lights are lit,
and also in the blinking
lights of Christmas.
is in the rocking
of the sea
and in the way the
blossoming young women
We feel the joy of
birds in flight
and in songs
and in the breeze
that gently passes.
In the innocence of
children we feel joy,
and in the wisdom
of the old ones.
Joy of the plants
during and after the
joy of mountains in
the rising sun,
joy of the mother
before the joy of
her son,
divine joy before
the beauty of love,
joy of all before
joy itself.